What is the email deliverability ? And why is it important ?

Email has become over time an inseparable tool of everyday life. Whether professionally or personally, it is an effective instrument. Web marketing has understood the importance of this tool, hence the advent of email marketing. Among the tools used to judge the effectiveness of autoresponders, the deliverability rate is generally used.

The deliverability rate: explanation

By definition, the deliverability rate is the amount (in percentage) of emails actually received in the mailboxes of the recipients. It is the result of the ratio between the number of emails sent compared to the number of emails actually delivered.

In absolute terms, the rate should be 100% or in other words, all emails sent should ideally arrive in the inbox.

For an email to reach its destination, it must cross two main barriers.

First it is necessary that the email is authorized by the server of the ISP or Internet Service Provider of the recipient. This first step crossed, the mail has yet to pass the barrier of the inbox.
In general, the deliverability rate measures the delivery of the mail at the ISP level. It is much more complicated for routers to guarantee that the mail object will arrive in the inbox or in spam.

Which autoresponder has the best deliverability rate ?

The major autoresponders such as GetResponse and Aweber have high deliverability rates. For good reason, they enjoy a good reputation that allows generated emails to cross the various barriers.

However, maintaining the deliverability rate is a constant effort. For this, it is recommended to correct errors with each sending. That way, you reduce your ‘hard bounces’ rate, meaning the fact that your emails automatically fail the first checkpoint (the ISP servers).

Idealy, you should have an IP address dedicated to sending. This allows you to attract the trust of the various servers and therefore sustain a very high delivery rate for your next campaigns.

A complementary indicator for email deliverability : the opening rate

Beside the deliverability rate, it is also necessary to take into account the opening rate which allows a better appreciation of the effectiveness of your emailing campaign. More precisely, it is the number of opened emails divided by the number of emails delivered. This rate makes it possible to check if the email has been opened by the recipients. The more your emails, once delivered into your recipient inboxes, are opened, the more trust your campaign gains. When

In order to optimize your deliverability rate, here are some tips that can help you build your reputation with different servers :

  • The collection of email addresses: we have all at least once been victim of receiving an unsollicited email whose sender is unknown to us. Be sure that during the collection of email addresses, you have the authorization of the account holder in order to send him the emails you have planned. The double opt-in allows you to make sure that someone who enter his email address confirms his wish to received your emails.
  • Frequency of sending: some people have no problem receiving multiple emails from the same sender every day. Others would prefer just a monthly reminder. The behavior of the recipient is crucial for the next email campaigns. From time to time, take a moment to check if your mode of operation suits them. Otherwise you face the risk of of being sent to the spam box or loose your subscriber.

Being aware of the importance of the deliverability rate of the autoresponder service you have chosen is therefore essential. Knowing your opening rate come right after is you want to build a lucrative activity on the Internet. Without a doubt AWeber and GetResponse both offer a good guarantee of deliverability rate for your email campaigns.